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Classic New Testament commentaries from leading international scholars

Eerdmans Bible Commentaries: New Testament comprises 54 authoritative commentaries which offer insights on every book of the New Testament from leading international scholars. Hailing from a range of denominational backgrounds, these world-class Bible authorities lend their expertise to exegesis which draws on linguistic, literary, archaeological and historical scholarship to provide a rounded picture of the biblical text.

Scroll down to explore the five major series from which these commentaries are drawn below and get in touch to line up your free trial.

You can also take a look at our Eerdmans Bible Commentaries: Old Testament collection here and our Eerdmans Digital Reference Library collection here.

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Offering commentary on all sixty-six biblical books and the Apocrypha, Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible is the finest single-volume Bible handbook available, providing reader-friendly treatments and succinct summaries of each section of the text.

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Accessible to academics and serious general readers alike, Eerdmans Critical Commentary reflects the contributions of recent textual, philological, literary, historical, and archaeological inquiry, benefiting from cutting-edge methodological approaches. Contributors to the series are among the foremost authorities in biblical scholarship worldwide. While they hail from a broad range of denominational backgrounds, authors remain sensitive to the original meaning of the text and its relevance for today.

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The New International Commentary on the New Testament has been widely recognized for its attention to the text of Scripture, its currency with contemporary scholarship, and its service to the global church. While the interpretive work in these commentaries is based on study of the Greek text, readers need not be practiced in the biblical languages to benefit from them. The volumes reflect work in areas such as linguistics, textual criticism, and historical concerns, but the commentary focuses on understanding the text rather than navigating scholarly debates.

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Designed for serious readers of the Bible, The Pillar New Testament Commentary volumes engage with the most important, informed contemporary debate yet avoids undue technical detail. Their ideal is a blend of rigorous exegesis and exposition, scholarship and pastoral sensitivity, with an eye alert both to biblical theology and to the contemporary relevance of the Bible.

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Seeking to bridge the existing gap between biblical studies and systematic theology, this distinctive series offers section-by-section exegesis of the New Testament texts in close conversation with theological concerns. Written by respected scholars, The Two Horizons New Testament Commentary volumes aim to help pastors, teachers, and students engage in deliberately theological interpretation of Scripture.

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