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1 and 2 Thessalonians

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Andy Johnson (Author)

1 and 2 Timothy and Titus

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Robert W. Wall and Richard B. Steele (Authors)

1 Peter

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Joel B. Green (Author)

1–3 John

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Thomas Andrew Bennett (Author)

2 Peter and Jude

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Ruth Anne Reese (Author)

Abraham Miguel Cardozo: Selected Writings

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David J. Halperin (Translated by)

Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari: Songs of Love and Devotion

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Lourdes María Alvarez (Translated and Introduced By), Michael A. Sells (Foreword By)

The Acts of the Apostles

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David G. Peterson (Author)

Albert & Thomas: Selected Writings

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Simon Tugwell (Translated, Edited, and Introduced By), Leonard E. Boyle (Preface By)

Alphonsus de Liguori: Selected Writings

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Frederick M. Jones (Edited by), Brendan McConvery (With the Collaboration of), Raphael Gallagher (With the Collaboration of), Terrence J. Moran (With the Collaboration of), Martin McKeever (With the Collaboration of), Sean O’riordan (Consultants), Carl Hoegerl (Consultants), Sean O’riordan (Preface by)

American and Muslim Worlds before 1900

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John Ghazvinian and Arthur Mitchell Fraas (Editors)

American Jewry: Transcending the European Experience?

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Christian Wiese and Cornelia Wilhelm (Editors)

Anchoritic Spirituality: Ancrene Wisse and Associated Works

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Anne Savage and Nicholas Watson (Translated and Introduced By)

Angelic Spirituality: Medieval Perspectives on the Ways of Angels

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Steven Chase (Translated and Introduced by), Ewert H. Cousins (Preface By)

Angelus Silesius: The Cherubinic Wanderer

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Maria Shrady (Translation and Foreword by)

Anglo-Saxon Spirituality: Selected Writings

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Robert Boenig (Translated and Introduced by)


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G.R. Evans (Author)

Anthropology in Theological Perspective

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Wolfhart Pannenberg (Author), Matthew J. O'Connell (Translated by)


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Brian Davies (Author)

Arnobius of Sicca: The Case Against the Pagans, Volume I: Introduction, Book One – Three

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George E. McCracken (Author), George E. McCracken (Newly Translated and Annotated by)

Athanasius: The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus

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Robert C. Gregg (Translation and Introduction By), William A. Clebsch (Preface By)

Athenagoras: Embassy for the Christians, The Resurrection of the Dead

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Joseph Hugh Crehan (Translated and Annotated by)


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Mary T. Clark (Author)

Augustine of Hippo: Selected Writings

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Mary T. Clark (Translation and Introduction By), Goulven Madec (Preface By)


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John Webster (Author)

The Barth Lectures

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Colin Gunton (Author)

Belief Today: Three Theological Meditations

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Karl Rahner (Author), Hans Küng (with a Preface by)

Bernard of Clairvaux: Selected Works

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G.R. Evans (Translation and Foreword By), O.S.B. Leclercq Jean (Introduction By), Ewert H. Cousins (Preface By)

Berulle and the French School: Selected Writings

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William M. Thompson-Uberuage (Edited, with an Introduction by)

The Bloomsbury Companion to New Religious Movements

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George D. Chryssides and Benjamin E. Zeller (Editors)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Muslims and Popular Culture

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Hussein Rashid and Kristian Petersen (Editors)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Migration

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Rubina Ramji and Alison Marshall (Editors)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Nature: The Elements

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Laura Hobgood and Whitney Bauman (Editors)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Popular Music

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Christopher Partridge and Marcus Moberg (Editors)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Popular Music

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Christopher Partridge and Marcus Moberg (Editors)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion, Gender and Sexuality

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Sonya Sharma, Dawn Llewellyn and Sîan Melvill Hawthorne (Authors)

The Bloomsbury Reader in the Study of Religion and Popular Culture

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Lisle W. Dalton, Eric Michael Mazur and Richard J. Callahan (Editors)

Bonaventure: The Soul’s Journey into God, The Tree of Life, The Life of St. Francis

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Ewert Cousins (Translation and Introduction By), Ignatius Brady (Preface By)

The Book of Amos

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M. Daniel Carroll R. (Author)

The Book of Deuteronomy

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Peter C. Craigie (Author)

The Book of Ecclesiastes

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Tremper Longman (Author)

The Book of Genesis: Chapters 18-50

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Victor P. Hamilton (Author)

The Book of Genesis: Chapters 1–17

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Victor P. Hamilton (Author)

The Book of Hosea

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J. Andrew Dearman (Author)

The Book of Jeremiah

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John Goldingay (Author)

The Book of Jeremiah

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J. A. Thompson (Author)

The Book of Job

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John E. Hartley (Author)

The Book of Joshua

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Marten H. Woudstra (Author)

The Book of Judges

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Barry G. Webb (Author)

The Book of Lamentations

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John Goldingay (Author)

The Book of Leviticus

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Gordon J. Wenham (Author)

The Book of Micah

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James D. Nogalski (Author)

The Book of Numbers

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Timothy R. Ashley (Author)

The Book of Numbers

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Timothy R. Ashley (Author)

The Book of Psalms

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Nancy deClaissé-Walford, Rolf A. Jacobson and Beth Laneel Tanner (Authors)

The Book of Revelation

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Robert H. Mounce (Author)

The Book of Ruth

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Peter H. W. Lau (Author)

The Book of Ruth

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Robert L. Hubbard (Author)

The Book of the Acts

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F. F. Bruce (Author)

The Book of Zechariah

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Mark J. Boda (Author)

The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah

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F. Charles Fensham (Author)

The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah

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Hannah K. Harrington (Author)

The Books of Haggai and Malachi

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Pieter A. Verhoef (Author)

The Books of Haggai and Malachi

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Mignon R. Jacobs (Author)

Buddhism in the Global Eye: Beyond East and West

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John S. Harding, Victor Sōgen Hori and Alexander Soucy (Editors)

Cambridge Platonist Spirituality

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Charles Taliaferro and Alison J. Teply (Edited and Introduced by)

The Cappadocians

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Anthony Meredith (Author)

Cassiodorus: Explanation of the Psalms, Volume II, Volume II: Psalms 51–100

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P. G. Walsh (Author), P. G. Walsh (Translated and Annotated by)

Cassiodorus: Explanation of the Psalms, Volume III: Psalms 101–150

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P. G. Walsh (Author), P. G. Walsh (Translated and Annotated by)

Cassiodorus Explanation of the Psalms, Volume I: Psalms 1–50

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P. G. Walsh (Author), P. G. Walsh (Translated and Annotated by)

Catherine of Genoa: Purgation and Purgatory the Spiritual Dialogue

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Serge Hughes (Translation and Notes By), Benedict J. Groeschel (Introduction By), Catherine De Hueck Doherty (Preface By)

Catherine of Siena

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Guiliana Cavallini (Author)

Catholic Divorce: The Deception of Annulments

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Pierre Hégy and Joseph Martos (Editors)

Catholic Theology

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Tracey Rowland (Author)

Charles Borromeo: Selected Orations, Homilies and Writings

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Charles Borromeo (Author), John R. Cihak (Editor), Ansgar Santogrossi (Translated by)

The Christian Life

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Karl Barth (Author), Philip G. Ziegler (Introduction by)

Church Dogmatics, Volume I.5: The Doctrine of the Word of God §19–21. Holy Scripture

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Church Dogmatics, Volume II.1: The Doctrine of God §25–27. The Knowledge of God

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Church Dogmatics, Volume II.2: The Doctrine of God §28–30. The Reality of God I

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Church Dogmatics, Volume II.3: The Doctrine of God §31. The Reality of God II

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Church Dogmatics, Volume II.4: The Doctrine of God §32–33. The Election of God I

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Church Dogmatics, Volume II.5: The Doctrine of God §34–35. The Election of God II

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Church Dogmatics, Volume II.6: The Doctrine of God §36–39. The Command of God

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Church Dogmatics, Volume III.1: The Doctrine of Creation §40-42. The Work of Creation

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Church Dogmatics, Volume III.2: The Doctrine of Creation §43–44. The Creature I

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Church Dogmatics, Volume III.3: The Doctrine of Creation §45–46. The Creature II

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Church Dogmatics, Volume III.4: The Doctrine of Creation §47. The Creature III

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Karl Barth (Author), G.W. Bromiley and Thomas Torrance (Edited By)

Colossians and Philemon

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Marianne Meye Thompson (Author)

Colossians, Volume 34B: A new Translation with Introduction and Commentary

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Markus Barth and Helmut Blanke (Authors), Astrid B. Beck (Translated By)

Commentary on Exodus

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Thomas B. Dozeman (Author)

A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews

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Philip Edgcumbe Hughes (Author)

The Covid Pandemic and the World’s Religions: Challenges and Responses

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George D. Chryssides and Dan Cohn-Sherbok (Editors)

The Crisis of Confidence in the Catholic Church, Volume 17

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Raymond G. Helmick (Author), Gerard Mannion (Foreword by)

Daniel: Signs and Wonders

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Robert A. Anderson (Author)

Denys the Areopagite

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Andrew Louth (Author)

Digital Methodologies in the Sociology of Religion

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Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor and Suha Shakkour (Editors)

Divine and Contingent Order

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Thomas Torrance (Author)

Dominican Penitent Women

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Daniel E. Bornstein and E. Ann Matter (With Contributions by)

Early Anabaptist Spirituality: Selected Writings

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Dr. Daniel Liechty (Translated, Edited and with an Introduction by)

Early Classical Authors on Jesus

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Margaret H. Williams (Author)

Early Protestant Spirituality

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Scott H. Hendrix (Edited and Translated by)


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Peter Enns (Author)

Edith Stein: Selected Writings

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Marian Maskulak (Editor)

Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible

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James D. G. Dunn (Editor of the New Testament), John W. Rogerson (Editor of the Old Testament and Apocrypha)

Egeria: Diary of a Pilgrimage

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George E. Gingras (Author), George E. Gingras (Translated and Annotated by)

Elijah Benamozegh: Israel and Humanity

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Maxwell Luria (Translated, Edited and with an Introduction by)

Elisabeth Leseur: Selected Writings

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Janet K. Ruffing (Edited, Translated, and Introduced by)

Encountering the Parables in Contexts Old and New

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T. E. Goud, J. R. C. Cousland and John Harrison (Editors)

Ephesians 4–6, Volume 34A

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Markus Barth (Author)

Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns

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Kathleen E. McVey (Translated and Introduced by), John Meyendorff (Preface by)

The Epistle to the Hebrews

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F. F. Bruce (Author)

The Epistle to the Hebrews

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Gareth Lee Cockerill (Author)

The Epistle to the Romans

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Leon Morris (Author)

The Epistles of John

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I. Howard Marshall (Author)

The Epistles of St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch

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James A. Kleist (Author), James A. Kleist (Newly Translated and Annotated by)

Evagrius Ponticus: Ad Monachos

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Jeremy Driscoll (Author), Jeremy Driscoll (Translation and Commentary by)

Evangelical Theology: An Introduction

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Karl Barth (Author), Grover Foley (Translated by)

Ezra and Nehemiah

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David J. Shepherd and Christopher J. H. Wright (Authors)

Firmicus Maternus: The Error of the Pagan Religions

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Clarence A. Forbes (Author), Clarence A. Forbes (Translated and Annotated)

The First Book of Samuel

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David Toshio Tsumura (Author)

The First Epistle of Peter

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Peter H. Davids (Author)

The First Letter to the Corinthians

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Roy E. Ciampa and Brian S. Rosner (Authors)

Fénelon: Selected Writings

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Chad Helms (Edited, Translated, and Introduced by)


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N. T. Wright (Author)


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James McKeown (Author)

George Herbert: The Country Parson, The Temple

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John N. Wall (Edited, with an Introduction)

Gertrude of Helfta: The Herald of Divine Love

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Margaret Winkworth (Translated and Edited by), Sister Maximilian Marnau (Introduced by), Louis Bouyer (Preface by)

The Glory of the Lord: Volume I: A Theological Aesthetics: Seeing the Form

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Hans Urs von Balthasar (Author), John Riches (Editor), Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis (Translated by)

The Glory of the Lord: Volume II: A Theological Aesthetics: Studies in Theological Style: Clerical Styles

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Hans Urs von Balthasar (Author), John Riches (Editor), Andrew Louth, Francis McDonagh and Brian McNeil (Translated by)

The Glory of the Lord: Volume III: A Theological Aesthetics: Studies in Theological Style: Lay Styles

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Hans Urs von Balthasar (Author), John Riches (Editor), Andrew Louth, John Saward, Martin Simon and Rowan Williams (Translated by)

The Glory of the Lord: Volume IV: A Theological Aesthetics: The Realm of Metaphysics in Antiquity

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Hans Urs von Balthasar (Author), John Riches (Editor), Brian McNeil, Andrew Louth, John Saward, Rowan Williams and Oliver Davies (Translated by)

The Glory of the Lord: Volume V: A Theological Aesthetics: The Realm of Metaphysics in the Modern Age

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Hans Urs von Balthasar (Author), Brian McNeil and John Riches (Editors), Oliver Davies, Andrew Louth, Brian McNeil, John Saward and Rowan Williams (Translated by)

The Glory of the Lord: Volume VI: A Theological Aesthetics: Theology: The Old Covenant

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Hans Urs von Balthasar (Author), John Riches (Editor), Brian McNeil and Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis (Translated by)

The Glory of the Lord: Volume VII: A Theological Aesthetics: Theology: The New Covenant

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Hans Urs von Balthasar (Author), John Riches (Editor), Brian McNeil (Translated by)

God and Rationality

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Thomas Torrance (Author)

The Gospel according to John

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D. A. Carson (Author)

The Gospel according to Luke

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James R. Edwards (Author)

The Gospel according to Mark

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James R. Edwards (Author)

The Gospel of John

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J. Ramsey Michaels (Author)

The Gospel of John: A Commentary

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Frederick Dale Bruner (Author)

The Gospel of Luke

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Joel B. Green (Author)

The Gospel of Matthew

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R. T. France (Author)

The Gospel of Tatian: Exploring the Nature and Text of the Diatessaron

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Matthew R. Crawford and Nicholas J. Zola (Editors)

Gospel Women and the Long Ending of Mark

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Kara J. Lyons-Pardue (Author)

Gregory of Nyssa: The Life of Moses

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Abraham J. Malherbe (Translation. Introduction and Notes), Everett Ferguson (Translated by), John Meyendorff (Preface by)

Gregory Palamas: The Triads

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John Meyendorff (Editor)


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Heath A. Thomas (Author)

Hans Urs Von Balthasar

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John O'Donnell (Author)

Hearer of the Word: Laying the Foundation for a Philosophy of Religion

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Karl Rahner (Author), Joseph Donceel (Translation of the First Edition by), Andrew Tallon (Edited and with an Introduction by)


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Amy Peeler (Author)

Hildegard of Bingen: Scivias

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Mother Columba Hart and Jane Bishop (Translated by)


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Bo H. Lim and Daniel Castelo (Authors)

Hosea, Volume 24: A New Translation With Introduction and Commentary

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Francis I. Andersen and David Noel Freedman (Authors)

Ignatius of Loyola: The Spiritual Exercises and Selected Works

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George E. Ganss (Editor), Parmananda R. Divarkar, Edward J. Malatesta and Martin E. Palmer (With the Collaboration of)

Introducing the New Testament

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Henry Wansbrough (Author)

An Introduction to Systematic Theology

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Wolfhart Pannenberg (Author)

Isaiah 40–55: Servant Theology

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George A. F. Knight (Author)

Isaiah Horowitz: The Generations of Adam

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Miles Krassen (Translated, Edited and with an Introdution by)

Isidore of Seville: De Ecclesiasticis Officiis

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Thomas L. Knoebel (Author), Thomas L. Knoebel (Translation and Introduction by)

Isidore of Seville: Sententiae

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Thomas L. Knoebel (Author), Thomas L. Knoebel (Translated and With Notes by)

Islam and Christianity in Medieval Anatolia

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A.C.S. Peacock, Bruno De Nicola and Sara Nur YIldIz (Editors)

Jacob Boehme: The Way to Christ

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Peter Erb (Translation and Introduction by)

Jeanne Guyon: Selected Writings

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Dianne Guenin-Lelle (Translated, Edited, and Introduced by)

Jeremy Taylor: Selected Works

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Thomas K. Carroll (Edited with an Introduction by)

Jesus and the Gospels

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Clive Marsh and Steve Moyise (Authors)

Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation

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Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (Author)

Jesus as Teacher in the Gospel of Matthew

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Charles L. Quarles and Charles Nathan Ridlehoover (Editors)

The Jesus Controversy: Perspectives in Conflict

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John Dominic Crossan, Luke Timothy Johnson and Werner H. Kelber (Authors)

Jesus, Criteria, and the Demise of Authenticity

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Chris Keith and Anthony Le Donne (Editors)

Jesus in the Manichaean Writings

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Majella Franzmann (Author)

Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Writings

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Majella Franzmann (Author)

Jesus Research: The Gospel of John in Historical Inquiry

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James H. Charlesworth and Jolyon G. R. Pruszinski (Editors)

Jesus the Apocalyptic Prophet

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Cecilia Wassén and Tobias Hägerland (Authors)

Jesus the Liberator: A Historical-Theological Reading of Jesus of Nazareth

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Jon Sobrino (Author), Paul Burns and Francis McDonagh (Translated from the Spanish by)

The Jesus Tradition in Q

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Dale C. Allison (Author)

Jesus’ Emotions in the Gospels

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Stephen Voorwinde (Author)

Jewish Mystical Autobiographies: Book of Visions and Book of Secrets

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Morris M. Faierstein (Translated, Edited, and Introduced By)


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Lindsay Wilson (Author)

Johann Arndt: True Christianity

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Peter Erb (Translated, Edited, and Introduced By)

John Baptist de la Salle: The Spirituality of Christian Education

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Carl Koch, Jeffrey Calligan and Jeffrey Gros (Edited and Introduced by)

John Calvin: Writing on Pastoral Piety

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Elsie Anne McKee (Edited and With Translated and Introduced by)

John Cassian: The Conferences

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Colm Luibheid (Author), Colm Luibheid (Translation and Preface by), Owen Chadwick (Introduction by)

John Climacus: The Ladder of Divine Ascent

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Colm Luibheid and Norman Russell (Translation By)

John Comenius: The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart

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Howard Louthan and Andrea Sterk (Translated and Introduced by)

John Henry Newman: Selected Sermons

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Ian Ker (Edited, With an Introduction by)

John of Avila: Audi, filia—Listen, O Daughter

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Joan Frances Gormley (Translation and Introduced By)

John of the Cross: Selected Writings

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Kieran Kavanaugh (Edited with an Introduction by)

Jonah: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary

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Rhiannon Graybill, John Kaltner and Steven L. Mckenzie (Authors)

Jonathan Edwards: Spiritual Writings

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Kyle C. Strobel, Adriaan C. Neele and Kenneth P. Minkema (Selected and Introduced by)


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J. Gordon McConville and Stephen N. Williams (Authors)

Joshua: Inheriting the Land

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E. John Hamlin (Author)


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David J. H. Beldman (Author)

Julian of Norwich: Showings

Edmund Colledge (Translation. and Introduction Notes), James Walsh (Translation. and Introduction Notes by), Jean Leclercq (Preface by)

Julian of Toledo: Prognosticum Futuri Saeculi Foreknowledge of the World to Come

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Tommaso Stancati (Translated, Edited, and Introduced by), His Eminence Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, Archbishop of Toledo, Primate of Spain (Foreword by)

Julianus Pomerius: The Contemplative Life

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Mary Josephine Suelzer (Author), Sister Mary Josephine Suelzer (Translated and Annotated by)

A Karl Barth Reader

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Karl Barth (Author), Rolf Joachim Erler and Reiner Marquard (Editors)

Karl Barth: Spiritual Writings

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Ashley Cocksworth and W. Travis McMaken (Editors)

Karl Rahner

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William V. Dych (Author)


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Robin Parry (Author)

Late Medieval Mysticism of the Low Countries

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Rik van Nieuwenhove, Robert Faesen and Helen Rolfson (Editors)

The Letter of James

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Douglas J. Moo (Author)

The Letter of James

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Scot McKnight (Author)

The Letter of St. Cyprian of Carthage, Volume III: Letters 55–66

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G.W. Clarke (Author), G.W. Clarke (Translated and Annotated by)

The Letter to Philemon

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Markus Barth and Helmut Blanke (Authors)

The Letter to Philemon

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Scot McKnight (Author)

The Letter to the Colossians

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Scot McKnight (Author)

The Letter to the Ephesians

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Lynn H. Cohick (Author)

The Letter to the Ephesians

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Constantine R. Campbell (Author)

The Letter to the Galatians

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David A. deSilva (Author)

The Letter to the Hebrews

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Sigurd Grindheim (Author)

The Letter to the Philippians

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G. Walter Hansen (Author)

The Letter to the Romans

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Douglas J. Moo (Author)

The Letters of 2 Peter and Jude

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Peter H. Davids (Author)

The Letters of John

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Colin G. Kruse (Author)

The Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage, Volume II: Letters 28–54

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G.W. Clarke (Author), G. W. Clarke (Translated and Annotated by)

The Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage, Volume I: Letters 1–27

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G.W. Clarke (Author), G. W. Clarke (Translated and Annotated by)

The Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage, Volume IV: Letters 67–82

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G.W. Clarke (Author), G.W. Clarke (Translated and Annotated by)

The Letters of St. Jerome, Volume I: Letters 1-22

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Charles Christopher Mierow (Author), Thomas Comerford Lawler (Introduction and Notes by)

Letters of St. Paulinus of Nola, Volume II: Letters 23–51

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P. G. Walsh (Author), P. G. Walsh (Translated and Annotated by)

Letters of St. Paulinus of Nola, Volume I: Letters 1-22

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P. G. Walsh (Author), P. G. Walsh (Translated and Annotated by)

The Letters to Timothy and Titus

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Philip H. Towner (Author)

The Letters to Timothy and Titus

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Robert W. Yarbrough (Author)

Love Alone: The Way of Revelation

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Hans Urs von Balthasar (Author)

Luis de León: The Names of Christ

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Manuel Durán and William Kluback (Translation and Introduction by)


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F. Scott Spencer (Author)

Luther’s Spirituality

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Philip D.W. Krey (Edited and Translated by), Peter D.S. Krey (Edited and Translated by)

Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi: Selected Revelations

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Armando Maggi (Translated and Introduced by)


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Frederick Dale Bruner (Author)


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Jeannine K. Brown and Kyle Roberts (Authors)


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John K. Riches (Author), Michael A Knibb, AT Lincoln and RN Whybray (Series Editors)

Maximus Confessor: Selected Writings

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George C. Berthold, Jaroslav Pelikan and Irénée-Henri Dalmais (Authors)

Mediating Catholicism: Religion and Media in Global Catholic Imaginaries

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Eric Hoenes del Pinal, Marc Roscoe Loustau and Kristin Norget (Editors)

Meister Eckhart, Volume 1: Teacher and Preacher

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Bernard Mcginn (Editor), Frank Tobin and Elvira Borgstadt (With The Collaboration Of)

Meister Eckhart, Volume 2: The Essential Sermons, Commentaries, Treatises, and Defense

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Edmund Colledge and Bernard Mcginn (Translation and Introduction By)

Meister Eckhart: Master of Mystics

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Richard J. Woods (Author)

Metaphysics and the Idea of God

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Wolfhart Pannenberg (Author), Philip Clayton (Translated by)


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Stephen G. Dempster (Author)

Micah, Volume 24E: A New Translation With Introduction and Commentary

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Francis I. Andersen and David Noel Freedman (Authors)

Miguel de Molinos: The Spiritual Guide

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Robert P. Baird (Edited and Translated By), Robert P. Baird and Bernard McGinn (Introduction by)

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