Theology and Religion Online consists of discrete collection bundles, which can be purchased independently and accessed together on the platform through its powerful cross search and browse functionality. By default, search and browse results will only display content to which users have purchased access.
A full overview of each collection is given below, along with links to each collection's landing page and key content sets.
Comprised of more than 86 volumes, this prestigious commentary series represents the pinnacle of biblical scholarship.Draws from the wisdom and resources of Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from around the world.Series includes a book-by-book translation and exegesis of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Apocrypha to make available all the significant historical and linguistic knowledge which bears on the interpretation of the Bible.Download the Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries title list
- The first major Bible dictionary to be published in America in 30 years that includes six volumes of approximately 1,200 pages each with more than 6,000 entries totaling more than 7,000,000 words.
- Nearly 1,000 contributors.
- An unprecedented interfaith exploration of the Bible that is multicultural and interdisciplinary in scope
- Illustrated throughout with easy-to-find references and includes endpaper maps of the Near Eastern world keyed to text for quick location of archaeological and biblical sites.
- Articles on pseudepigraphic and apocryphal texts, Nag Hammadi tractates, and individual Dead Sea Scrolls, including the most recently published sectarian Dead Sea Scrolls as well as articles illustrating the literary artistry of the biblical text.
Download the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary title list
- Over 200 digitally exclusive, peer reviewed articles— Organized around key themes for courses in religion in North America, including: African American religion; Islam in North America; Christianity in North America; Religion and Nature in North America; Secularity and Non-Religion in North America; Western Sciences, Technology and Religion in a Global Context; and more.
- eBook Collection— Monographs, handbooks, and textbooks featuring such titles as The Bloomsbury Reader on Islam in the West, Understanding Sport as a Religious Phenomenon, Buddhism in America, and Race and New Religious Movements in the USA.
- Images— Integrated into each article ensuring the text is engaging visually for students and searchable as a standalone item.
Download the Bloomsbury Religion in North America title list
- The New Jerome Biblical Commentary: Second Revised Edition— A new edition of this major reference work, digitally exclusive to Library of Catholic Thought.
- Handbooks of Catholic Theology— A major international textbook series under the general editorship of Christoph Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna, these five volumes cover key topics such as liturgy and church history.
- Reference works, dictionaries, and sourcebooks— Seminal reference works and primary texts brought to the digital environment with updated prefaces, user guides, and specially commissioned content.
- An ebook collection— Featuring titles on Catholic theology, key thinkers, and socio-cultural concerns.
- Images - 500 images of Catholic artwork, manuscripts, and other artifacts
Download the Library of Catholic Thought title list
- Major Reference Works— The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries (digitally exclusive to the resource), Dictionary of the Bible and Ancient Media, History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, Christianity: The Complete Guide, Mary: The Complete Resource, Jesus: The Complete Guide
- Monographs, Companions, and Classic Works— over 100 titles spanning topics including the historical Jesus, reading and literary in the time of Jesus, Jesus and film, and early Christology. Providing comprehensive coverage of the discipline, these texts provide overviews of key topics, research areas, new directions.
- Digital Exclusive Articles— Written by an international range of leading scholars to support research and study of core and cutting edge topics
- Images— Showcasing key sites and archaeological locations, reliquaries, mosaics, places of worship, and representations of Jesus in art to provide a way of locating Jesus in the history of faith and culture (also available to view through a dedicated interactive timeline)
- Audio Resources— Digitally exclusive interviews with leading academics on core topics and publications
- Primary Texts by Major Theologians—Classic texts from the most important theologians that shaped theology in the 20th century offering a detailed examination of a wide number of doctrines, such as the Trinity, Atonement, Creation, Pneumatology, and Creation.
- Digitally Exclusive Articles— Authoritative overviews of the most important theologians of the 20th Century.
- Lectionary Commentary Series
Download the T&T Clark Theology Library title list
This collection will present 79 extensive commentaries written by world-class Bible scholars, including The New International Commentary on the Old Testament and the International Theological Commentary, providing students and scholars of theology, biblical and religious studies with a rich repository of authoritative commentaries on the Old Testament.
Download the Eerdmans Bible Commentaries: Old Testament title list
This collection will be comprised of 54 high-quality commentaries designed for students and scholars of theology, biblical and religious studies. Packed with insights from world-class Bible scholars, this digital product is a go-to resource for authoritative commentaries on the New Testament, including key series The New International Commentary on the New Testament, The Pillar New Testament Commentary, and Eerdmans Critical Commentary.
Download the Eerdmans Bible Commentaries: New Testament title list
This collection will be comprised of 41 core reference works including The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Christian Art and Archaeology, the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, and the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, making it an essential companion for the interdisciplinary study of theology, religion, and the Bible.
Download the Eerdmans Digital Reference Library title list
This collection provides a comprehensive reference resource of over 600 scholarly articles, 192 images and 16 colour maps for scholars and students interested in Judaism of the Second Temple Period. It draws on the expertise of a series of specialists with a mixture of resources to become an essential guide to the field.
Download T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism title list
The Bible and Western Christian Literature is a 1.5 million word resource providing researchers with an authoritative resource on the impact and influence of the Bible upon the development of literature by charting this relationship from the classical period to the modern day. With international contributions to reflect the biblical text itself, this work considers the broader geographical, philosophical, and theological factors to consider as part of the Bible's role in culture and society.
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